Sign the Hillsborough Disclosure Petition

The petition needs at least 100,000 signatures for the case to be heard in the House of Commons and every single British citizen or those residing in the UK can sign it.

This is not about LFC or football but about a tragedy that cost the lives of 96 innocent people  and thousands of others who have never been the same ever since that tragic Saturday. It is obvious that something was covered up, if nothing was covered up why is the reluctancy to disclose?

Please pass the petition on to your friends, LFC fans or not, even those who don’t like football. Even if you are not a British Citizen or live in the UK you can always spread the word after all most of us have friends or relatives living in the UK.

Full government disclosure and publication of all documents, discussions and reports relating to the 1989 Hillsborough disater. *As requested by information commissioner Christopher Graham