Dalglish: Why Liverpool Singed Jose Enrique

Liverrpool manager Kenny Dalglish has talked about Liverpool's new signing, former Newcastle left-back Jose Enrique.

"He’s a good player, he’s got experience in the Premier League and he’s settled into the way of life in England, so that’s helpful to us,” said the Scot. It’s a position we had to strengthen. 
Young Jack Robinson has got fantastic potential, but we have to responsible with him. He’s 17 years of age and to throw him in and expect him to play a full season would have been wrong – but he’ll be there or thereabouts. It’s always helpful when you know the environment you’re in and for us that was an important factor when we were looking for a full-back – somebody who has a knowledge of the game and the Premier League. He certainly has that. He’s been here for four years, his English is good – it’s better than mine and his football is better than mine as well! – so we’re quite happy with the signing of Jose."

Asked about whether Enrique would be the Reds’ last signing of the summer, Dalglish replied:

"I don’t know – it’s the same as I don’t know if that’s your last question! I cannot answer it honestly. I suppose it’s a little bit like last year when I was asked, ‘When are you signing the contract?’ or ‘Have you been asked to sign?’ – until the transfer window shuts, the most honest answer I can give is ‘I don’t know."