Cesc Fabregas Girlfriend Daniela Semaan

Footballers are known for moving quickly on the pitch - but some carry that trait into their personal lives. Take Barcelona star Cesc Fabregas who split from his long-term girlfriend last month and already appears to have picked up a replacement.

While the now-defunct NOTW was first to report details about Daniela Semaan (36-year-old divorcee who shares two kids, ages 11 and 9, with her property tycoon ex-hubby, Elie Taktouk) and her hook-up with Cesc Fabregas, Noticias 24 is now coughing up the details about how these two allegedly first came in contact.

Ms Semaan and Fabregas met a year ago at Japanese restaurant Nozomi in London. Yes, while he was still with Carla, as the article asserts.

Daniela, being the ‘normal fan’ that she was, asked Cesc for a picture but ended up snagging his digits instead.  Word of mouth internet gossip, on the other hand, does not deny that this hook-up may be more than just a fling, but does insinuate that Daniela was the real reason behind Cesc & Carla’s break-up.

  Fabregas gets a massage from the Daniela