www.RafaBenitez.com | Official Website

www.RafaBenitez.com|Rafa Benitez Official Website, Former Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez will launch his official website in Paris on Wednesday, 7 September in order to help promote the charity Foundation run by his wife.

The site has been designed to raise awareness of the Montse Benitez Foundation, which itself launches at the end of the month.

The content of Benitez’s website will provide a vehicle for communication with fans by giving details of his biography, career and records achieved at all of the clubs he has managed, as well as giving up to date information on his interviews and thoughts on football.

Via his blog he will be writing in-depth technical articles with his thoughts on current trends or matters of interest in football.

Ultimately, the website will keep the public informed of events and activities of Montse Benitez’s Foundation, in order to raise awareness and money for local and national charities.