What happened to myp2p.eu ?

What happened to myp2p.eu? The reason that MyP2P has had problems is that Fox Sports made a complaint to Google over 'copyright issues', and requested Google take the site down. Google complied with the request, and My P2P had to 're-brand' with as little inconvenience to themselves, and us, as was possible.

I have also compiled a list of Alternatives to MyP2p in case you want to watch live sports.

The site was basically a live sports aggregator. It collected live links from a variety of sources, bundled them neatly as game and match listings to make it as easy as possible for its users to find live streams of matches they want to watch.

 The official news is this: myp2p.eu is offline and may not come back. The developers and maintainers of the service have moved to a new domain called wiziwig.eu which is currently experiencing heavy traffic and as such denies connections. The forum, hosted on the http://forum.wiziwig.eu/ sub-domain works fine though, and users can read up and discuss what is happening right there.