David De Gea Caught Stealing A Krispy Kreme doughnut

Mega-rich Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea has been caught pinching a £1.19 ($2) doughnut. The Spaniard, 20, was quizzed by security staff after he scoffed an Original Glazed ring treat from a Krispy Kreme cabinet at a store in Altrincham, Greater Manchester. De Gea was hauled up after being captured on CCTV helping himself to the treat but escaped a penalty.

The sticky-fingered stopper, thought to be on £70,000 a week, wolfed down the doughnut in the magazine aisle.But as he headed for the exit without paying, he was tackled by security staff, one of whom spoke fluent Spanish. They took the keeper, signed from Atletico Madrid in the summer in an $30 million deal, to the store's 'stop and search' room. 

They made it clear he had made a right howler by giving him a hairdryer treatment that would have made United boss Sir Alex Ferguson proud. De Gea strode into the Tesco Extra with two Spanish pals.A source said: 

"They weren't very subtle. They swaggered in chatting loudly in Spanish.

"The security guards who monitor the CCTV watched two of them take a doughnut each out of the Krispy Kreme cabinet.

"Incredibly, they then appeared to try to leave without paying, or buying anything else for that matter."

The source said that when challenged and ushered into the search room, de Gea did not seem to know what was going on and "looked pretty embarrassed".

Last night a Tesco spokesman said: "A customer was spoken to by our security team and the issue was resolved."

Police were not called and no further action was taken.