How Street Smart Abbotabad Kids Extorted Money From Bin Laden

Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden nearly gave himself away by banning cricketing kids from his garden when they begged: “Please can we have our ball back."

The cricket mad children grew ­suspicious when told they couldn’t retrieve their red taped cricket balls lost over his 18ft wall – and were then offered cash bribes to go away.

Schoolboy Asif said " We used to play near the house, one day the ball went in the house and we rang the bell to get it back, but the man asked us to go away, when we persisted he gave us 100 Rupees to buy a new ball"

"Every time the ball went to the house he never returned the ball, instead the man used to give us 100 Rupees everytime"

The children then started throwing balls into the compound on purpose to get more money, a neighbour said, but the owners kept on paying.

Asif added " We started throwing balls into the house everyday because we got money by this, I used to buy sweets for myself and my sister from the money"