10-year ban for Salman Butt, 7-year ban for Asif and 5-year ban for Aamir. [Details]

10-year ban for Salman Butt, 7-year ban for Asif & 5-year ban for Aamir

The trio arrived yesterday in Doha to hear verdict of spot-fixing case. The verdict turned out be worst ever verdict all of three ever heard in their lives. Salman Butt was handed ban of 10-year with 5-year suspension, Asif was banned for 7-year with 2-year suspension and Aamir, the spoiled brat, was banned for 5-year. "Suspensions" means that if players don't violate the code of conduct in next 5 years then their ban will be reduced to 5 years, this means Salman Butt and Asif can be back after 5 years. As far as Aamir is concerned, no suspension was granted to him as minimum ban in ICC's code of conduct was of 5 years.

In an ideal scenario for the trio, all three players are handed ban of 5-year as Salman Butt and Asif's ban can be reduced. In this particular regard, this verdict seems quite absurd as, indirectly, all three players are handed same ban(5 years). Aamir was the only one who gave a TV interview after the verdict, where he showed disappointment over 5-year ban and said "How can someone be banned for 5 years for just 2 no-balls?"

Michael Beloff QC, chairman of the tribunal, also said that we imposed 5-year ban because it was minimum in ICC's code of conduct and he asked ICC to re-view their code of conduct. Michael Beloff's this statement shows that Aamir and Asif could have got a lesser ban if minimum penalty in ICC's code wasn't of 5 years. Players now have 20 days to appeal in Court of Arbitration where there will be different system and jury.

The more difficulties have already arrived for players as Crown Prosecution Service has also called the trio for 3 crimes. Players will now appear before jury on 17th March and if found guilty they could be sent to jail for years. This move isn't dangerous for only the trio in fact other players, who will be playing in World Cup, can be pressurized too.

                A doleful Aamir after the verdict

Reported by Mazher Arshad on 2/06/2011